More Lies

About Lies catch you eventually Still more lies

Yet more screenshots

So it has come to my attention that he is telling people that the "reason" I  got mad at him was because his wife starting to play SWL. Yet another lie. His wife started playing Secret World Legends -after- I dumped him once again-  to keep an eye on him after I and 2 of the other women he cheated on contacted her.

Once again, he approached me in December 2016 in Star wars The Old Republic. He claimed to be a single dad living on his 8.5 acre farm in Floris, Iowa.

After talking a while, he started an out of character real world relationship with me, which continued until August 2017 when I was approached by three women he had cheated on me with. All three had screenshot, chat logs, and pictures/videos of the cheating.  We broke up, but then I stupidly took him back after he begged and promised me repeatedly he'd never cheat on me again., as seen in the prior pages screenshots. 

He took me to SWL, where he formed a cabal in which he brought in a select few friends. In this cabal, we had a discord channel, where he told everyone in the cabal about us and our relationship. 

Which he is now denying. 

He never told anyone in the cabal he was married, only that he and I were in a relationship, he is only telling people now he is married because his wife was informed BY US of his actions when he was revealed to be cheating on me (AND HIS WIFE)  once more in SWL in the end of February 2018.



I have noticed a few of his defenders claiming that IC and OOC needs to be kept separate regarding him. What your not seeming to understand is, he -MAKES IT BE BOTH- He approaches you, then he takes it OOC and makes RL plans and decisions, with multiple people at the same time.


Back to Page 1 

Here he is talking about our relationship and how much we love each other, any mention of a wife in here that you see?

Here he is talking about the visit I was supposed to have with him, I was supposed to go spend a week with him in Des Moines  (he said he spent the week in Des Moines while working to save gas traveling back and forth between Floris & Des Moines)

Awww someone he was cheating with wasn't faithful to him, how does that feel? Shitty right?

How dare she play the field like him lol

Sample Photo 3

Awwwwwww he's "officially done trying to find someone" even though he was supposed to be with me.... oh yeah, AND HIS WIFE... then he moves right along to complain about someone else he wanted liking Venator more...

More on love and Lastnames

He sure loved to refer to me with his last name.. and tell me how much he loved me. Please note that this is all OOC here. Again, he did stuff like this all over. Email, Enjin, Facebook, Discord. He's a consummate liar, and he is -still- doing it even now...

Sample Photo 5

Brief Description

Sample Photo 6

Brief Description


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