Full name: Vincent Valentine
Job: Unemployed, formerly of the Turks
Age: 27 (not counting the years he spent sleeping in the coffin in the Shinra Mansion basement.)
Weapon: Gun
Birthdate: October 13
Birthplace: Unknown
Astrological sign/Horoscope: Libra
Blood type: A
Hieght: 6' (72", approximately 182.88cm)
Hair color: black
Eye color: red (may have been different before he got altered by Hojo)
Vincent Valentine was a member of the Turks, Shinra's special forces unit. As part of his work, he often came in contact with Shinra scientist Hojo and his assistant, Lucrecia. Vincent and Lucrecia soon became close, and fell in love. However, Lucrecia was still dedicated to her work. She volunteered for a project to create a clone of the prehistoric creature known as Jenova. The clone was created inside her own body, but she fell ill while carrying the child. Enraged, Vincent confronted and threatened Hojo. The scientist had him restrained, performed all manner of twisted experiments on the man, and had him sealed in his lab, never to be unlocked.
Many, many years later, Cloud Strife's team of adventurers came across Vincent in the old Shinra lab. They told him of the crisis facing the planet, and of their enemy, Sephiroth. Vincent recognized the name: it was to be the name of Lucrecia's child. Realizing Hojo's role in this, Vincent agreed to join their team and work against Shinra.
Vincent is a loner. He holds himself responsible for what happened to Lucrecia and for the creation of Sephiroth, and wants to atone. He is driven to act against Shinra, particularly against Hojo and his creations.
His cool icy mask never wavers, and he seems aloof and detatched, not caring about anything. He is always calm and in control, even during times of crisis. A dark and mysterious prescence, Vincent is, as you might expect, the serious type. He takes all his duties seriously, which I am guessing is the reason why he was very good at his job as a Turk. But because of this trait, he also cannot forgive himself for his mistakes.
For even after all these years, he still thinks that it is his fault that he failed to protect Lucrecia. Overcome by his guilt, he believes that he is a monster to let a person as sweet and innocent as Lucrecia be destroyed.
He also believes that he has lost all emotion after Hojo had experimented on him...and that it is his punishment. He hopes for forgiveness, and yet at the same time berates himself, saying that his sins are too great, his crimes too horrible, and that he can never be forgiven. But underneath all that, he actually does have feelings...but alas, he refuses to believe in that.
Such self-torturous actions...even stone would be moved to pity.
And even if Lucrecia had had any blame at him for lying about the death of her son, or for not have been able to save her back at the Shinra mansion she surely would have forgiven him by now.
The experiments have altered Vincent in many ways. He was gifted with a couple of unusual abilities, neither of which he enjoys. Firstly, he has the ability to fly slowly; secondly, when angered he can transform into a demonic "Galian beast." This form however robs him of most of his skill and intelligence, and can only blindly attack.
Vincent is also a trained shot with a pistol, and carries one named "Quicksilver" with him.
Vincent is a very tall man, with ragged, long black hair and deep red eyes. He has a darkly handsome face. His body was apparently twisted and deformed by the experiments; he always wears heavy black clothes and a red cloak to hide himself. He wears a fingerless glove on his right hand; his left arm is so disfigured that he hides it under a metal sleeve.
Limit Breaks:
Level 1 Galian Beast: Morphs into a Monster with lots of HP and haste.
Level 2 Death Gigas: Morphs into a Monster strong on physical defense.
Level 3 Hell Masker: Morphs into a Monster with good defense but little offense.
Level 4 Chaos: Morphs into a Monster who kills people instantly with all good defense and offense.
Weapons Throughout:
Quicksilver, Peacemaker, Sniper CR, Shotgun, Shortbarrel, Silver Rifle, Winchester,
Outsider, Supershot ST, Buntline, Long Barrel R, Death Penalty
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