-=Taelanya T`Chetka=- Teir`Dal Necromancer of Innoruuk -20th Circle-

The Teir`Dal, or Dark Elves, are a twisted reflection of the Elves of light, but are just as lithe and intelligent as their cousins. Their features are often soft and delicate, though the eyes of the Dark Elves betray their darker inclinations. The Dark Elves' skin ranges from blue tones to black and their hair is most often white with some variances. They reach a height of about 5 feet tall.

Innoruuk, Lord of Hate, created the Teir`Dal and his hatred flows through their veins and moves their black hearts. It runs so deep that the Teir`Dal hate all, including their own kind and their creator. They will lend aid to one another, but only for their own selfish reasons. "I will help you now to use you later," is a common sentiment.

The Dark Elves view all other races as inferior; tools to be used for their own evil manipulations. Most races fear the Dark Elves. The Teir`Dal would desire the fall of the rest of the Elven world, leaving them broken, eradicated, or enslaved. Though viewed as inferior and dimwitted, Trolls and Ogres are tolerated as they are useful in the Teir`Dal plans for conquest.

Due to their life under the earth and dedication to evil gods, they have excellent vision in the dark. Being of the elven race, the Teir`Dal have a natural magical ability. This is evident in the professions of enchanter, magician, wizard, and necromancer. With their devotion to Innoruuk, they may also serve him as clerics. For those Teir`Dal who desire to spread hate and death in other ways, they may choose to become rogues, warriors, or shadowknights.

The dark elves generally follow deities of a dark nature, such as Innoruuk or Solusek Ro. Some warriors are faithful to Rallos Zek, however, while rogues have a natural affinity for Bristlebane.

There is a labyrinth of evil under the Nektulos Forest called Neriak, the home city of the Dark Elves. Its entrance is deep within gloomy shadows of the woods.

Necromancers are servants of the dark gods, studying ancient and mysterious tomes to gain power over the world of the dead. Necromancers are primarily a magic-using class, with the ability to wear cloth armor and wield blunt weapons and daggers.

Necromancers are able to raise the dead, commanding them to do their bidding and aid them in battle. A skeletal servant often accompanies the necromancer in her adventures throughout Norrath. Necromancers have mastered the powers of poison and disease, allowing them to assault their enemies with damaging afflictions that savage their vitality over time.

Necromancers learn to control and mimic the dead, allowing them to escape harm, convert their health to mana, and bend the minds of the undead to serve their cause. The power of shadow also is within the domain of the necromancer, with spells that bind and choke their enemies in darkness, hide the necromancer in a cloak of invisibility, and teleport through the shadows to escape danger.

Necromancers are a very self-sufficient class and often choose to adventure alone, though they can provide great value to a group as well. The necromancer is an excellent choice for the independent player who enjoys a wide variety of abilities.

-STR-  92

-STA-    65

-AGI-  108

-DEX-  95

-WIS- 96

-INT-  195

-CHA-   21

-HP- 368

-AC-  318

-ATK- 174

~Head~ -Savant Cap- AC 2, 3 INT, 3 WIS. Effect: Reagent Conservation II

~Face~ -Sheer Bone Mask- AC 3, 3 INT

~Ear~ -Batskull Earring- 5 INT Effect: Reagent Conservation I

~Ear~ -Golden Saphire Earring- 2 STR, 4 INT

~Neck~ -Silvered Saphire Necklace- 4 STR, 4 INT

~Chest~ -Shining Metallic Robes- AC 10, 9 INT, 8 Vs. Fire, 8 Vs. Cold. Effect: Spell Haste II

~Shoulders~ -Engraved Bone Pauldrons- AC 12, 3 DEX, -20 CHA, 5 AGI. Effect: Reanimation Haste II

~Back~ -Coterie General Cape- AC 8, 5 STR, 4 INT, 40 HP

~Arms~ -Tattered Arm Wrappings- AC 4, 3 STR, 1 INT, 15 Mana, -2 Vs. Fire

~Wrist~ -Polished Bone Bracelet- AC 2, 3 WIS, 3 INT. Effect: Spell Haste I

~Wrist~ -Bracelet Of Woven Grass- AC 1,  INT 3, 12 HP. Effect: Spell Haste I

~Hands~ -Gloves Of The Fallen Spirit- 7 AC, 4 STR, 4 INT, 4 DEX, 20 HP, 30 Mana

~ Left Ring~ -Ring OF Frost- 3 INT, 10 Mana

~Right Ring~ -Ring Of Goblin Lords- AC 4, 3 STR, 3 INT. Effect: Affliction Haste I

~Waist~ -Blood Weave Lined Sash-AC 5, 2 STR, 5 WIS, 4 INT, 3 AGI, -2 Vs. Fire, 4 Vs. Disease, 4 Vs. Poison

~Legs~ -Black Chitin Legs- AC 7, 10 HP, 10 Mana

~Feet~ -Blood WEave Lined Shoes- 5 AC, 4 STR, 1 WIS, 4 INT, 10 AGI, -2 Vs. Fire, 2 Vs. Disease, 2 Vs. Poison

~Primary Slot~ -Skull Shaped Sacrificial Hammer- Damage 6, Delay 24, 2 STR -15 CHA, Effect: Ritualistic Bloodlust

~ Secondary Slot~ -Harvestor- AC 4, 5 STR, -5 CHA, 5 INT, Effect:Deadeye

~Ranged Item~ -Effigy Of Innoruuk- CHA 2, WIS 2, INT 2 15 Mana, 2 Vs. Cold

(Yes I Know, this will be her once i get around to leveling her ^_~)

-¥~^§^~Also Known As~^§^~¥-

-=Lirial Toko`Ryoshuu=-, Tier`Dal Revenant, 56th Circle~

-=Sekka Swamphopper=-, Froglok Shaman, 24th Circle~

-=Ryoohkii=-, Vah Shir Beastlord, 23rd Circle~

-=Anyankha=-, Tier`Dal Warrior, 5th Circle~

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